We are excited to announce that Prof. Carl Mottram from Mayo Clinic, former director of the Mayo Clinic Pulmonary Function Laboratories and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program, will join us a for our Vietnamese market launch. Prof.
Carl Mottram is the author of Ruppel’s Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing, the world’s best selling book about PFT.

📹 This live training, taking place at Hanoi Medical University, will be also live-streamed.

Take the chance to register to this webinar for free and get a lot of clinical insights and discuss live cases 💻:

➡ Vietnam Time (GMT+7): Friday, 9 August, 08:00
➡ New York Time: Thursday, 8 August, 21:00
➡ Berlin Time: Friday, 9 August, 11:00

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